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U.S. Naval Oceanography participates in LSE 2021

15 October 2021

From U.S. Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command Public Affairs Office

Military and civilian Naval Meteorology and Oceanography professionals around the world provided oceanographic, meteorological, hydrographic, and astrometric data to fleet partners during Large Scale Exercise (LSE) 2021, a global evolution that involved every aspect of the U.S. Navy.

Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (CNMOC) unveils their new command logo encompassing all that Naval Oceanography represents
Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (CNMOC) unveils their new command logo encompassing all that Naval Oceanography represents - Sailors and civilians defining and applying the physical environment, from the bottom of the ocean to the stars, to ensure the U.S. Navy has the freedom of action to deter aggression, maintain freedom of the seas and win wars. The logo was designed and created by Ms. Kayla Adcock.
Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (CNMOC) unveils their new command logo encompassing all that Naval Oceanography represents
Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (CNMOC) unveils their new command logo encompassing all that Naval Oceanography represents - Sailors and civilians defining and applying the physical environment, from the bottom of the ocean to the stars, to ensure the U.S. Navy has the freedom of action to deter aggression, maintain freedom of the seas and win wars. The logo was designed and created by Ms. Kayla Adcock.
Photo By: Kayla Adcock
VIRIN: 191201-N-KV186-0003
Military and civilian Naval Meteorology and Oceanography professionals around the world provided oceanographic, meteorological, hydrographic, and astrometric data to fleet partners during Large Scale Exercise (LSE) 2021, a global evolution that involved every aspect of the U.S. Navy.

LSE 2021, which took place in August of 2021, was a scenario-driven, globally integrated exercise that provided high-end training at sea and ashore against a challenging adversarial force.

“The complexity and rapid pace of the exercises relied on the ability of our 2,500-member team to provide environmental data in real time to increase decision space and maneuvering space for the Fleet,” said Rear Adm. Ron Piret, commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (COMNAVMETOCCOM) and CTG 80.7.


Throughout LSE 2021, the CTG 80.7 Maritime Operations Center MOC maintained a 24/7 watch for situational awareness of the physical battlespace requirements, coordinated with the Fleet to identify and prioritize operational requirements, and ensured TG 80.7 remained aptly postured to support warfare commanders in theatre. The MOC serves as the Fleet’s primary gateway into the expertise and data that the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography community collects around the world.


LSE 2021 is a training exercise conducted by U.S. Fleet Forces Command, U.S. Pacific Fleet, and U.S. Naval Forces Europe designed to refine how we synchronize maritime operations across multiple Fleets, in support of the joint force.


The Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO), subordinate command of COMNAVMETOCCOM, is responsible for oceanographic, hydrographic, bathymetric, geophysical and acoustic data collection, and provides the Fleet with the environmental knowledge needed to maintain maritime superiority. NAVOCEANO used a variety of platforms, including T-AGS oceanographic survey ships, satellite sensors, buoys, and unmanned undersea systems to execute the various operational facets of LSE 2021.


Working in tandem with mission partners across the Naval Oceanography enterprise and Fleet Commanders around the world, NAVOCEANO personnel completed nearly 40 products for the Fleet exercise, exploiting data collected from the littoral (near-shore) zone to the deep-water environment.


“The NAVOCEANO team provided numerous near real time environmental products that can only be produced here with the continuation of comprehensive, expertise and high performance modeling. As a direct result of our command’s efforts, decision makers were armed with unique knowledge that enabled victory in the exercise, just as it will in real world operations,” said Capt. Ken Wallace, commanding officer, NAVOCEANO.


The exercise also included evaluations of experimental technology from a variety of warfare areas including unmanned technologies.


“LSE 2021 gave the Naval Oceanography Operations Command (NOOC) the opportunity to flex our capabilities, especially in regards to the new Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare (EMW) mission.” said CAPT Garstka, commanding officer, Naval Oceanography Operations Command. “The NOOC demonstrated the ability to answer daily short-fused requests for information for both Undersea Warfare (USW) and EMW. The Reach Back Center (RBC) coordinated with both Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) and Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) in order to provide the most accurate and timely products that resulted in well-informed tactical decisions.”


During LSE 2021, Fleet Numerical Meteorological and Oceanography Command (FNMOC), which delivers Naval Oceanography’s high performance computing and modeling capability, provided more than a dozen customized modeling products and generated terabytes of environmental data at every classification level to inform and enable the front lines.


“FNMOC is where it all starts. Every decision made relies on the accuracy of the information fed into and delivered by our assured numerical models.” Capt. Christi Montgomery, commanding officer, FNMOC. “Each and every day, FNMOC ensures that the decision makers have the most accurate and timely data, at all classification enclaves, to maintain the safety of Naval operations and to ensure the greatest tactical advantage over our adversaries. LSE 2021 demonstrated FNMOC’s continued dedication to our mission and the mission of Navy Meteorology and Oceanography.”


The U.S. Naval Observatory’s (USNO) Precise Time Department exercised a degradation of timing dissemination via Network Timing Protocol and other continuity of operations applications.


LSE 2021 merged live and synthetic training so Sailors and Marines across the globe simultaneously exercised the same battle problem. It tested warfighting concepts like Distributed Maritime Operations (DMO), Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABO) and Logistics in a Contested Environment (LOCE) and helped Sailors and Marines build the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in today’s complex maritime environment.


LSE 2021 included 36 ships underway, ranging from aircraft carriers to submarines, and more than 50 virtual units and an unlimited array of constructive units, in addition to the Sailors, Marines, Government civilian and contract employees assigned to command and training staffs providing support to the exercise.


“Timing data is foundational to Command and Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, Targeting (C5ISRT) and directly impacts every Department of Defense kill chain.” said Capt. Dave Kuehn, Superintendent, USNO. “It’s imperative we understand and exercise the continuity of precise timing delivery across the Fleet.”


The two-week exercise involved approximately 25,000 Sailors and Marines, spanning five U.S. numbered fleets, three Marine Expeditionary Forces, and 17 time zones.


Fleet Weather Center Norfolk (FWC-N) provided daily operational area forecasts off the east coast of the United States in support of LSE 2021. The team in Norfolk exercised the ability to answer short-fuse request for information in regards to Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) support. The four watch teams from FWC-N coordinated with the Strike Group Oceanography Team (SGOT) onboard the USS Kearsarge and the METOC team at U.S. Fleet Forces and the detachments to forecast for underway ships participating in LSE 2021.


“During LSE 2021, we executed Fleet Weather Center Norfolk’s mission, which is to provide timely, comprehensive, and tactically relevant METOC products and services in direct support of Fleet training and readiness.” said Capt. Erin Acosta, commanding officer, FWC-N. “These Sailors handled the increased workload with ease; coordinating throughout the planning and execution to identify potential gaps and seams in order to ensure complete coverage. I couldn’t be prouder of the work these Sailors do every day!”


The exercise was a progression of scenarios that assessed and refined modern warfare concepts, including distributed maritime operations, expeditionary advanced base operations, and littoral operations in a contested environment.


Fleet Weather Center San Diego (FWC-SD) delivered full spectrum operational METOC capability across the Indo-Pacific during LSE 2021 from its watch floor in San Diego and leveraged unique capabilities and expert personnel from subordinate commands.


“This was a great challenge for our team and I am proud of how expertly each part of the Command came together from across the Pacific to exercise our ability to fight and win in a complex high-end contest,” said Capt. Stoughton, commanding officer, FWC-SD. “The lessons we are taking away from Large Scale Exercise 21 are invaluable and our force is better for it.”


Naval Oceanography Anti-Submarine Warfare Center Yokosuka, JA delivered specialized forecasts for airborne Mobile Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft and acoustic ASW detection predictions and other undersea forecasts.


Strike Group Oceanography Team San Diego (SGOT-SD) deployed a Mobile Environmental Team (MET) afloat on USS John P. Murtha as part of Expeditionary Strike Group 3, and surged another MET forward to Pearl Harbor, HI with Command Task Force 34 and Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet. They delivered tailored weather forecasts for on-shore and at-sea USMC and USN assets.


Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) demonstrated the critical nature of assured, DoD focused, tropical weather system tracking and avoidance by enabling live exercise assets to proceed during peak tropical season.


U.S. Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command directs and oversees more than 2,500 globally-distributed military and civilian personnel who collect, process and exploit

environmental information to assist Fleet and Joint Commanders in all warfare areas to make better decisions, based on assured environmental information, faster than the adversary.


Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command | 1100 Balch Blvd. | Stennis Space Center, Mississippi 39529

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